Career Advice One Should Know At 20

Career Hacks I Wish I Knew In My 20s

Career Advice One Should Know At 20

The third decade of life is a pot-pourri of half-backed dreams, burning enthusiasm, vision, mission, and decisions to kick start the career in the pivotal years from our 20s into 30s. For most of us, these decisions define our life.

Now when I am thirsty thirty, yes, that's how I call it, since my thirst to attempt life is yet to quench. And I got to do a lot. So, for the folks who are hitting 20, I want to tell few things I wish I’d known at 20. Without further ado, let's start. Happy Scrolling!

1. Opt for a career that interests you & doesn't let you 'work', Not one which pays you more

I see many people lingering for weekends or holidays. They want either a short or long break from their daily work life. Mismanaged work-life balance is a common phenomenon in almost every part of the world. Eventually, this leads to a stage of various lifestyle diseases, infamously called anxiety, stress, racing heart, depression, etc. Is it what "quality of life" we are aspiring for!

Let's shut up the show-off culture. Are you working your 'ass-off' just to show it off to someone who is barely of any damn importance in your most significant life? If yes, please carry on. 

If you think otherwise, muse about what makes you feel good about life, a life wherein you are not begging for holidays because what you doing feels irresistible for you. Choose your passion wisely. Look market for your passion. Finding a niche to grow a career or a business and you will find it worthy in the long run.

2. Be truthful on your resume, Never exaggerate

Exaggeration is never a good help. Your resume or CV has to reflect you in the best possible way. A false reflection will cost you heavily in the long run. It will be suffocating for you when someone catches out any misrepresentation, may blacklist you costing your future positions. 

3. Happy Life Comes With A Price Tag, Take risks

This tender twenty is a good age to take risks. You have got enough time and enthusiasm to stand up again if things don’t work out. Each setback will make you a better version of your older self. Regrets are the worst ever things to happen in life. So, come brave. Fight all that bars you from doing what you decide to do. You can only protect your dream of getting sabotaged by the societal definition of 'success'. Do not think much to take the plunge!

4. You can always apply for a job you like, even if you don’t meet all the requirements. Don’t hesitate. 

Oftentimes, we are taken aback while applying for the job role that fascinates us by the wish list of the skills a recruiter mentions. But it is always worth giving it a shot even if you do not meet all those requirements. It will amaze you to know how flexible recruiters can be considering job requirements. There are loads of other stuff that determine if you are going to be a good fit for the concerned position. 

5. It is never late or wrong to change careers later

It is your life, most importantly one and only life. So you have got all the rights in the world to do whatever it takes to make the best of it for your happy self. Do not overthink your career at the very first stage. Try out something which stimulates interest in you. If you feel otherwise about it you do not need to carry out the same profession in your entire career graph. You may press the restart button as many times as you want to because at twenty you have plenty of life make some mistakes in choosing your career path.

You may also choose to sit and decide what, where, and how to start. Take your time. It is better than putting your precious self in a 'rat-race'. 

6. Network. Network. Network.

It is a good piece of advice to connect with the right folks. It is a part of the "connecting dots" theory. Compay of the right person will take you closer to your goal. But how will you know who is Mr. Right? The answer is, keep meeting people and then you will know who to stay with. How to meet people? Find them online if not in person. Message them, give a call and greet them on their progress. Offer help to the people whenever you can. You never know if you are rubbing your shoulder with the CEO at your dream brand. 

7. Update. Upgrade. - Vitamin D for any Profession

Like life on earth can not go without Sun, any profession can not flourish without updating & upgrading professionals. Keep in track of what's new on the market platter and do what it demands from you to outshine. It is never bad to taste something out of your menu. Read and seek the newness. Choose to rest when you are tired, not to quit.   

8. Try to reach out to the personalities you admire 

Drop off the fear of rejection. You have nothing to lose. But what if they respond to your call- eureka! They are living the life you are thriving for. A life's example is worth enough than anything else.    Someone who has traveled the way that you are about to take may give you a bundle of pro tips! 

9. Be your damn self. Do not let your job define your personality.

Do not let your work consume you in a way that you and your family find it difficult to be with you when you come home. There is a whole lot of world apart from the work you do. Experience life to its full extent. It will offer you a wider horizon to perform.

10. Taste the experience of working in a foreign country

A variety of people, cultures, and work ethics will add to your taste buds making things comparatively interesting. It will not be cheesy all the time, rather expect a bumpy ride. But, trust me, this is going to be worth it. If you get a chance to roam around the world, go for it, without a second thought. If you don't get one, create one.

11. Make multiple sources of income

In a scenario like today's, it is wiser to hustle a little more to make more money. Try out something that can fit around your schedule. So if you lose one you are not empty-handed. 

12. Define your own theory of success

The most relevant and much-needed advice to offer to a twenty-year-old. Remind yourself that it is exclusively your life. Never let anyone or anything decide who you have to be. You are not a part of any damn race the 'world' is seemingly running. Everyone has different cravings, different desires, so everyone will have a separate process to follow which will lead them to their destination. So, be part of your line of action. 

For me, it is making enough money to experience life by meeting new people, places, food. Writing letters to birds, rains, moons, and flowers while talking to my loved ones and the mountains by my window side. 

Once you have an idea of what success means to you, then follow the trail toward getting there with all the amount of energy you can put in. Feel fulfilled. 


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